Monday, October 12, 2015

Things I want you to know as a mom.

Things I wish you knew

As a mom you constantly feel judged by your decisions. Everyone did it their way, but feels you need to do it their way too. That's just not how I'm raising my child/children. There are reasons that things have changed and for a lot of them it's because they are safer. I want you to know I mean well, I'm trying to do what's best for my son, not what's best for you. It's hard making your decisions as a parent and having people disregard them because it's not what they did. I'm sure that you felt the same way when you were raising your children so remember that. 

1. Some parents may be okay with you sticking your fingers all over their child, I however am not. If yoi wouldn't go touch every adults hand, don't do it to a baby, especially their face!

2. Just because my son looks at your food or reached for it, does not mean he wants to eat it. He reaches for everything, that's what babies do. He's breastfed, he knows that's his food,  he has no clue that what you are eating is something he will eventually be able to eat. 

3. I will breastfeed as long as I choose, it's what's best for MY baby, and not your choice. 

4. If I want to hold him at an event and not let anyone else that is my 

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